ブログ Fagottoの日記・#ダイジェスト版(直近掲載分)
1. 幅広いテーマへの取り組み: 小笠原隆政氏は、政治、経済、社会、国際関係など、幅広いテーマについて執筆しています。彼のコラムやブログは、多岐にわたるトピックにわたる興味深い議論を提供しています。
2. 深い洞察と分析: 彼の文章は深い洞察と厳密な分析に基づいています。社会や政治の問題に対して独自の視点からアプローチし、時には予測や提案も行います。
3. 客観的でバランスの取れた意見: 小笠原隆政氏は、主観的な意見に偏ることなく、客観的でバランスの取れた意見を提供します。彼の記事は、事実に基づきつつも、時には独自の視点を加えて、読者に新しい視点を提供します。
4. 優れた文章スタイルと説明力: 小笠原氏は優れた文章スタイルを持っており、複雑な問題をわかりやすく説明する能力に長けています。そのため、専門的な知識がない読者でも理解しやすいです。
5. 時事問題への迅速な対応: 彼は時事問題について迅速にコメントし、最新の出来事に対する意見を提供します。これにより、読者は最新の情報にアクセスできます。
I asked ChatGtp what makes my columns and blogs unique now.
Please tell me what makes Takamasa Ogasawara's columns and blogs unique.
My knowledge is limited to the year 2022, but I can give you a general perspective on the features of Takamasa Ogasawara's columns and blogs until then. However, it is not based on the most up-to-date information, and I recommend that you check directly with the official website or official social media accounts for the latest activities and styles.
1. broad range of topics: Mr. Takamasa Ogasawara writes on a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, society, and international relations. His columns and blogs provide interesting discussions across a wide range of topics. 2.
2. deep insights and analysis: His writing is based on deep insights and rigorous analysis. He approaches social and political issues from a unique perspective, sometimes offering predictions and suggestions. 3.
3. objective and balanced opinions: Mr. Takamasa Ogasawara provides objective and balanced opinions without being subjective. His articles are based on facts, but sometimes add his own unique perspective, providing readers with a new point of view. 4.
4. excellent writing style and explanatory skills: Mr. Ogasawara has an excellent writing style and is skilled at explaining complex issues in an easy-to-understand manner. This makes it easy for readers with no specialized knowledge to understand.
5. quick response to current events: He is quick to comment on current events and provide his opinion on the latest happenings. This allows readers to access the latest information.
These features make Takamasa Ogasawara's columns and blogs a reliable source of in-depth insights and new perspectives for readers.
His blog, which has been published in many newspapers since 2005, has been well-received for its essay-like style, and it is an authentic blog that tickles the reader's intellectual curiosity.
Recently, we have also begun posting English translations of our articles for worldwide dissemination.
※このブログは2025/01/28 高知新聞読者欄 声ひろばに掲載されました。
The Ballad of Seventy Years Old, Koki
I finally turned 70 years old today. I am very proud to share the same birthday as my local hero,Ryouma Sakamoto, but I am not at all aware that I am 70 years old, and even my acquaintances say to me, “You definitely don't look that old! However, I trip over little things, my hair is thinning, and my presbyopia has progressed to the point where I can still see objects up close, but I now need reading glasses whenever I need to look at a product description.
I try to live my life as usual, but even if I treat people the same way, they may still see me as an old man who has reached his 70th birthday. However, even if I treat them in the same way, they may still see me as an old man who has passed his prime. I think a solid life script is necessary for that.
I feel that it is up to me to decide whether I will lead a ballad (lyrical) life or an elegy (tragic) life at the age of 70 (Koki). I would like to be healthy first of all, and I would like to continue to be so in my head, body, and mind, and I would like to actively spend my happy seventies' days in a relaxed manner.
※このブログは2024/10/8 高知新聞読者欄 声ひろばに掲載されました。
Walking a small mountains in the Four Seasons
At the city health checkups I had been receiving for some time, I had always been told that I was not getting enough exercise, and I began to see yellow lights all over my body. So I made up my mind to start walking in the driveway of a small mountain in the suburbs on rainy days and windy days except Sundays, and it will be five and a half years this fall. Perhaps because of this, I am in much better physical condition, have lost a little weight, and my waist has become two belt holes thinner.
The one-way walk from the entrance at the bottom to the parking lot at the top of the driveway takes about 20 minutes and 3,600 steps, but at first the slope was so steep that I could not walk halfway. However, after a few months of continuous effort, I was able to walk the entire way there and back.
Cherry blossoms in spring, summer showers, lilies and pampas grass in fall, and snow on winter mornings. I walk this path every day, exhaling white breath, feeling the seasonal changes in my skin, and pondering the many things to do along the path, which is filled with ozone from the trees. It only takes me about 40 minutes to walk there and back, but I feel that I can continue to do so not only for my physical health, but also for my mental health because I do not push myself too hard.
This small mountain, which has various expressions depending on the season, continues to quietly support my efforts to improve my health today, and I cannot wait to see the results of my annual specific health checkup.
This blog appeared in Kochi newspaper's readers' column, The Kochi newspaper on October 8, 2024.
何のことやら分からずChat Gtpに聞いてみたら
A quiz on a magazine
I asked chat gtp because I didn't know what this issue meant.
Let's break down and solve the equations step by step. These equations use Roman numerals:
500100=5100500=5, which is correct.
2. X×L=DX×L=D
10×50=50010×50=500, which is also correct.
3. X×V=LX×V=L
10×5=5010×5=50, which is correct.
Now let's solve the final expression:
So the expression is:
500+500−1=999 500+500−1=999
In Roman numerals, 999 is written as CMXCIX、CMXCIX.
So, the final answer is CMXCIX、CMXCIX.
Small is Wonderful !
Small is Wonderful !
The recent summer heat is truly abnormal. In these days when the government recommends that students “avoid unnecessary trips outside and stay at home with the air conditioner on,” I wondered if the summer classes at cram schools really fit that description, and I was afraid that my students might get heat stroke if I forced myself to teach them during the daytime. Therefore, we started to open our classrooms at the same time as usual in the evening a few years ago. However, some students needed summer classes, so I had to give them more class time than usual.
The tutoring business is about the students. It is not a job like the service industry where you only have to deal with the students for a certain time, so even if you rush, it is still a job that requires time. If we don't have the mental capacity to do so, both the students and ourselves will be exhausted.
For the past 40 years, I have only had as many students as I can directly supervise. I can clearly see the faces of the parents through my students. That is why I am glad that I have continued to teach this way, and I think I have grown more than I did in the past. And I will continue this teaching method in the future. This is because I feel it is my responsibility as the principal of a private tutoring school to take care of my students.
It is wonderful to have a small school where you can see the students' faces.
Small is Wonderful!
2024/8/01 異常過ぎる暑さ
2024/8/01 This year's excessive heat
This summer is truly extraordinary. I wonder if we will soon be in a situation where people will be arrested if they go outside in this heat. Even if they don't arrest you, I don't think it's impossible to say that companies will be severely punished if they allow their employees to work outdoors.
In this heat, elementary school children would like to go swimming in the pool, but Kochi City has not opened the school pool because of a fatal accident during a swimming lesson at the school. Since the city government designates mass merchandisers as shelters from the heat, I wonder if those who don't want to shop can go to the city hall or other places to avoid the heat.
I would like to believe that the photovoltaic power generation systems on rooftops and roofs are surely playing an active role in saving energy. However, I have mixed feelings about how long this heat will last and am watching the news of heavy rainfall in the region.
2024/7/14 どうなる2024年米国大統領選挙と世界情勢
What will happen in the 2024 U.S. presidential election and the world situation?
?What we had feared has happened. At around 7:30 a.m. on July 15 (Japan time), Trump was shot during a campaign rally. Even with this year's U.S. presidential election being rocked by the controversy over the replacement of Democratic President Biden, I had never imagined that former President Trump would be shot at a Republican rally.
I had expected that Biden would say or do something that would further call into question his qualifications for the presidency, forcing him to drop out of the race, but I believe that the shooting will unite the Republican Party and lead Trump to victory. It is just like how the Liberal Democratic Party won the election in Japan two years ago after former Prime Minister Abe was shot dead.
However, just as a single gunshot triggered the outbreak of World War I, the world is in a state of confusion, and I think that the world is about to be engulfed in another great war. The world economy will be in turmoil, the yen will appreciate further, and stock prices will fall. The price of gold and oil will rise even higher.
I am just a small-town cram school teacher who teaches English, civics, history, etc., but I am concerned about these things. What I can do now is to give my students the academic skills they need, but I am sure that the world events of the past few years will be in the history books of the future, and they are the living witnesses of those events. I wonder what the world will be like then...
2024/4/11 通訳とは
このブログは高知新聞4月11日 読者欄に掲載されました。
What is an interpreter?
The other day, I watched a press conference where a Japanese big leaguer explained the scandal in person, and his new interpreter translated only the main points into English, omitting unique Japanese qualifiers.
Then, on April 1, I learned about an interpreter who instantly translated the war criminals' difficult Japanese speeches and the judges' English explanations in a documentary program on Far East Military Tokyo Trials on NHK.
I was reminded once again that translating language job is a truly difficult, demanding, and life-threatening responsibility.
When I was younger, I had a part-time job as a kind of interpreter, making use of my knowledge of English and music, but I realized that interpreting in a proper setting was not something I could do very often,
Since then, I have only worked as a volunteer interpreter.
I have heard that language-related jobs will be the first to disappear with the advent of AI. This is because AI can already understand how people laugh at jokes,
The word "interpreter" will become obsolete in the future.
I feel a little sad to think that the word "interpreter" may become a dead word in the future.
This blog appeared in the Kochi Shimbun April 11 in the Readers' Section.
#39 2022/11/28 戦争と音楽
#39 2022/11/28 The war and music
It has been more than nine months now since Russia's armed invasion of Ukraine.
The Japanese government officially defines the invasion as an invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and the UK and EU countries also use the term "aggression" against Ukraine by Russia.
However, the Russian government uses the term "special military operation," and in China it seems to be described as an armed conflict, but I understand it as a unilateral Russian war of aggression because many Ukrainians were killed in the Russian military operation as a result.
Furthermore, with winter coming, Russia seems to be on a mission to attack the infrastructure necessary for Ukrainian life and freeze the Ukrainian people.
What a despicable approach!
As for me, it is a minor protest, but since the invasion I have been avoiding listening to music by Russian composers, especially Tchaikovsky's symphonies.
Especially when I listen to Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6 "Pathetique," I am sure that the feelings of the Ukrainian people will well up and my lacrimal gland will be loosened.
However, there may be some Russian citizens who are inspired by Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5 "Revolution" and others, and want to improve their country through special military operations.
It is precisely because Russian music influenced me so much in my youth and continues to move me, that I am now consciously refusing to listen to Russian music
This column appeared in the Kochi Shimbun's December 21, 2022
#38 2022/10/28 「英語指導者初級研修会」開催
でも英語は試験勉強ではなくて今後話せることが、これからは特に大切になるでしょうし、現代人としては常識の一つになってくると思います。その時に講師としてきれいな発音をするためには、先日の研修内容が大変役立ちますから、どうか参加された塾長は忘れないように、どんどん生徒に教えてください。あなたが時間とお金を使って身に付けた今回の研修修了証、CERTIFICATE of ACHIEVEMENT で証明していますから、自信を持ってご指導ください。
#38 2022/10/28 Beginner's Workshop for English Language Instructors
Hello everyone, good evening.
The days are getting shorter and it is already dark at 6 pm. The daytime temperature is close to 25 degrees Celsius, but the morning and evening temperatures are below 10 degrees Celsius, and we are beginning to hear news of snow from the northern regions.
On October 2, we were able to hold a "Beginners' Workshop for English Teachers," and a participating principal said, "I thought I knew how to teach the alphabet, but I didn't realize how deep and important it is. I am glad that I participated because I learned a lot, and I want to continue learning, so please come again next time. In Japanese, it may be like practicing how to pronounce "aiueo" correctly, but English has a pronunciation method that Japanese does not have. Even if you have lived in an English-speaking country for a long time, it is difficult for Japanese people to pronounce English like native English speakers. I have been researching and devising a pronunciation method that is easy for us Japanese to understand. The underlying theory of "Listen-Speak-Read-Share" is still alive and well in the foundation of this learning method.
The president of the company, who joined us at the end of the session, said, "Shall we do the second session again? ......" and we were pondering it. At this time, the mid-term examination in the second semester of junior high school has already included questions on the past tense, even irregular verbs, and the content is not what it used to be. When I saw that teachers in the field were also having a hard time teaching them, I began to think that training in English teaching methods for recent junior high school 1st graders might be necessary. In my classroom as well, I was trying to figure out the reasons why some of the first-year junior high school students did not do better than average on the second semester mid-term examinations as well as those who did.
Obviously, the reason for the poor scores was lack of study, but the amount of time required for each subject has increased so much that there is not enough time to teach all of the subjects in the current number of hours. We have found that the way students study over the summer, especially in English, makes a big difference in their performance.
It is too late to discuss the lack of study during the summer vacation, but I think it is important to study grammar books in parallel with the textbooks. The increase in vocabulary is also a source of pain for the students.
It is also effective to have students study vocabulary for 15 minutes before each English class. However, it is not easy for all students to do it. If you can get them to listen to the words, say them, read them, and then write them down, it will be easier for them to remember the words.
But in individualized learning, it takes a lot of time to have each student do this, and it is very difficult to teach. I understand that very much. But if you don't make them do something, nothing will change, so please start by teaching in a way that the principal thinks each individual can do and keep doing. But please remember that it is very difficult to make them write suddenly. At a recent training session, I talked about the use of vocabulary notebooks, and I heard that when students are asked to make their own vocabulary notebooks, they naturally begin to say, read, and write words, so I am convinced that studying in the order I advocated, "listen - speak - read - write," is the most natural way to learn. I am convinced that studying in the order I advocate is the most natural way to learn. This method is also very effective for other memorized subjects.
If there is a second training session, I would like to discuss how to use this method not only for English but for other subjects as well.
However, I believe that being able to speak English, rather than studying for an exam, will become especially important in the future, and will become a matter of common sense for people today. The content of the recent training will be very useful for you as an instructor in order to have a beautiful pronunciation at that time. The CERTIFICATE of ACHIEVEMENT, the certificate of completion of this training, which you have spent time and money to acquire, proves this, so please teach your students with confidence.
#36 2022/09/25 文章を書くということ
#36 2022/09/25 Writing a sentence for me
I have been thinking recently, "Why do people write? I think that by posting my feelings and thoughts in writing in the "Koei-Hiroba" column, I am letting many of my acquaintances and friends know that I am still doing well. I have been in contact with this column for nearly 40 years.
When I was in elementary school, there was a question in a Japanese exam: "Write what you feel when you read the following story. I don't remember what it was about. I don't remember what it was about, but I remember that my homeroom teacher scolded me for writing my impression as instructed in the question, "Not much to write about. But I was surprised to see that my friend who had received a circle for that question had given a completely different answer than mine, and I asked him, "Did you really feel this way? When I asked him if he really felt this way, he replied, "I learned to answer like this in cram school. I did not attend cram school, but I had learned as a child that I should not write my true feelings in such a question.
Now I am teaching writing at a cram school. The world really is a confusing place. However, I still have a teacher who teaches me how to write, and thankfully I receive encouragement and encouragement from him.
I read a lot, write a lot, and throw away a lot. Take the time to polish." Although my writing is not as good as hers,for me, writing is not "just writing," but "writing after all.
This column appeared in the Kochi Shimbun's September 25, 2022
#35 2022/07/24 気になるコロナ拡大の再燃
#35 Re-emergence of covid-19 spread of concern
Re-emergence of covod-19 spread of concernCoronas are spreading again. However, the government, perhaps concerned about the stagnant economy, has not taken any action this time around, but it is the person and his/her family who suffer from coronas. It is the patients themselves and their families who suffer from coronas, and the companies that have to take time off work because of coronas. Although the number of patients is exploding, the government may not act this time because the symptoms are relatively mild, the use of hospital beds is low, the disease is unlikely to become serious, and few people will die.
The public knows that it is not a good idea to go out in times like this, but because everyone goes out, and because the government and prefectures do not do anything to restrict it, people will move. This time, I feel that the government is trying to see how far the situation will spread, but I also feel that they are letting the people get used to Corona.
The news may simply say, "200,000 cases were reported nationwide today..." and that will be the end of it. Let's wash our hands and raise our awareness to prevent the spread of the three infectious diseases. I don't think this is relevant in tourist areas.
I finished my fourth vaccination last week. But it seems that some people strongly refuse this vaccination. I don't want such people to be infected with corona, so I can't tell them not to come to my store, etc. So I feel that if I contract corona, it is my own responsibility.
However, if I were to contract corona, I would have to take a 10-day leave of absence. I am very concerned about my students and my income during this important summer semester, so I can only pray that the situation will be quickly calmed down.
#34 2022/06/23 日銀、円安への呪縛
#34 BOJ, Curse of the Weakening Yen
When I was having a drink at an izakaya on the weekend, a person sitting diagonally in front of me said to me, "Can't you do something about the weak yen now, gasoline and other imported goods are going up in price. The Bank of Japan should raise interest rates so that the yen will not depreciate..." The conversation was lively, with the economic condition of the country as a sidebar.
When political issues become a topic of conversation in the lives of ordinary people, it is a sign that the people's dissatisfaction is building up, and politicians need to listen carefully to the people's voices in order to manage their affairs. The topic of discussion also included the situation in Russia.
However, the BOJ also has its reasons for not raising policy rates. The economy is still not doing well, and if they raise interest rates, the interest rates on all national debt, including mortgages, will go up, and Japan may end up in a recession. On the other hand, in the U.S., inflation is abnormally high right now, and the only way to curb the overheating of the economy is to raise interest rates anyway. Mortgage rates are already above 5%. This makes it more expensive to hold your money in a currency with a high interest rate, and the yen, which has a low interest rate, inevitably becomes cheaper.
Izakaya (Japanese-style pubs) have become more expensive, and I find myself going there much less often. I would like to at least have something fun to snack on when I am drinking, but if the government says, "Protect yourself! I am a petty citizen who thinks it is inevitable that I have less money to spend on pleasure if I am told to do so by the government.
#33 2022/05/31 ソーラー蓄熱器
A "solar thermal accumulator"
Nowadays, we have one air conditioner per room. I have long wondered if it would be possible to use the summer heat to build a giant solar water heater. The heat from the summer is absorbed and stored in some solid object that does not easily lose temperature. The heat would then be used to heat the building or district during the winter. Since it takes more energy to raise the heat than to lower it, capturing the heat in the summer would be more energy efficient. A "solar thermal accumulator" for winter heating. I think it's a great idea...
#32 2022/05/10 したいことがない毎日
Everyday I don't have anything I want to do
I met an acquaintance who went home for the first time in a long time during the holidays. He is two years younger than me, but he said he wanted to take some time off after his retirement at the age of 65, and he did not get another job. He had a retirement bonus, but half of it disappeared when he had to pay back the mortgage on his house. When he was working, he wanted to retire as soon as possible, but when he quit his job and every day became a Sunday, he was very envious of his wife who went to work. He wanted to do this and that, but his dream was not fulfilled in Corona, and his days are just the same as usual Sundays.
When asked by me how long he would work, he replied, "I have students starting this year, so I can't quit tomorrow, but I'm going to work as long as I have students..." He looked at me enviously and said, "I'm not going to quit tomorrow, but I'm going to work as long as I have students. He looked at me enviously and asked, "Is there anything you want to do?" I asked him if there was anything he wanted to do, and he replied, "Not at the moment, and that's also hard.
When I was working, I wished I could take a vacation sooner, but when I don't have to work anymore, I wonder why I don't want to do anything anymore.
He said, "At my age, I have so many things I want to do, and I'm working hard toward them!" They wonder if they are really being proactive, or if they are just greedy, or if they are thinking of taking their accumulated wealth to the afterlife to pay tribute to Yama and be allowed to go to heaven...etc.
Even if I have nothing to do, I get hungry and want to sleep at night. So, if we only decide to get up on time, eat three meals on time, and go to bed on time, the rest of the time should be free. However, when I think about the pain of having nothing to do during that free time, I think it would be better to have some kind of hobby, but I also feel that it would be difficult to find the right balance between the two, because if I get too absorbed in that hobby, it may cost money and cause stress.
If life is 80 years, I have only 13 years left. I stare at my palm, wondering if I will be happy if I live through the rest of my days with nothing to do like my acquaintances....
I have things to do tomorrow, I am happy...
#31 2022/04/08 4月からのフレッシュマンへ
4月8日に終わったNHKの朝ドラの挿入曲「On the sunny side of the street」の歌詞から、4月から新生活を始めたフレッシュマンに次の言葉を贈ります。
To Freshmen Starting in April
From the lyrics of "On the sunny side of the street," a song inserted in NHK's morning drama that ended on April 8 ,The following words are gifted to freshmen.
April is a time of both anxiety and anticipation for new students and new employees at school and at work. I am sure that the days ahead will not be all fun and games, but if you make an effort to walk the sunny path with good friends and seniors, those hard days will surely be a good memory when you look back on them later. That world of yours is not a bad place to be. Please make that path you are on a sunny path with great friends and encouragement. Then you will overcome the thorny path."
It seems that more than 30% of new college graduates leave their jobs within three years. For high school graduates, it is 40%. Life is long and short. If you can't stand it, you may have no choice but to take a different path, but if you can, I hope you will make the path you are taking a sunny one. I believe that the hardships you are going through now will surely benefit you later, my path from now on may be the path of the setting sun, but I hope it will be as sunny as the western sun in summer.
#30 2022/04/01 どうなる今後のウクライナ情勢
What will happen in Ukraine in the future?
The Russian invasion of Ukraine was unthinkable in the 21st century. It has been nearly 40 days. I am sure that Russia is thinking that this was not supposed to happen, but it seems that the world is being unexpectedly harsh on Russia, but also somewhat on the sidelines. Since last year, I have been thinking that a war would have to break out somewhere in the world in order to break the current global impasse. However, Russia, which was thought to be a great power, has invaded neighboring Ukraine with great difficulty and has yet to conquer it even after 40 days, and I think the world may be thinking that Russia is a "baby tiger.”
President Putin is said to be running the country by himself, but he is a human being and he will be up at night, and if the current tension continues for a long time, I have a feeling that he will really lose his mind and body. Two generations ago, the prime minister of our country went to see him in person in droves, eager to get his hands on the Northern Territories. I don't think it's because he is a boon-boy of my age, but I still didn't like him at all. Perhaps it was because the previous opposition government was so inept that even this politician seemed a little better, but even now that he has retired as prime minister, he is still speaking out about shady things, and he is starting to seem more and more dangerous to me.
#29 2022/03/28 世界情勢は、巡り巡って我々の生活にじわじわと影響
♯28 2022/02/28 ロシアが隣国の小国ウクライナに侵攻しました。
♯27 2022/02/22 命がけで努力しても報われない努力もある・・・羽生結弦
#26 2022/02/04 牧野富太郎をご存知ですか、2023年春からの朝ドラの主人公です。NHKネットニュースより
来年春の朝ドラに佐川町出身の植物学者 牧野富太郎
牧野富太郎が名付けた花などが咲き、牧野の墓もある牧野公園で、植物の手入れや清掃活動などに取り組んでいる団体の山崎廣さんは、 「植物が好きなので、あちこちの山でゆかりの植物を探してきて、牧野公園に植えるのが生きがいです。牧野博士が植物を好きだったように、みんなに好きになってほしい」と話していました。
その上で、「ドラマが観光をはじめとした県の盛り上がりの起爆剤になると期待しています。高知県には牧野博士から譲り受けた5万8千点ほどの 蔵書などがあるので協力したいです。高知県の魅力のPRにもつなげていきたいです」と話しました。
また、主演の神木隆之介さんについては、「若手の爽やかなイケメン俳優という印象で今後、県内でのロケも行われるのかなと ワクワクしています。毎日欠かさず見たいです」と話していました。
#25 2022/01/19 驚くべき役者の役作り
このブログは高知新聞朝刊 2022/01/25読者欄に掲載されました。
#24 2022/01/15 「なんのために東大に…」我が子の就職先に納得いかない東大出身者の親の嘆き
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我々は「いわゆる東大生が行きがちな進路を選ばなかった人の理由」を知りたいと考えました。官僚・弁護士・地方公務員・総合商社・生保/損保・都銀・地銀・政府系金融機関・大手メーカー・大手マスコミ・外資系コンサル・外資系金融機関などに行かず、「えっ? 珍しいなこの進路」という3人をピックアップしました。
「普通東大っていったらどんな会社でも入れるでしょ? それなのに、なんであんな小さな制作会社なの? 映像が好きなんだったらNHKも東京の民放もあるのに、何を好き好んで“あんな会社”へ……」
私が「実際に自分で映像を撮影したり、体を動かしたかったのでは?」と言うも母親は「それにしてもNHKだって自分で映像制作できるでしょ? あなた、息子の連絡先を教えてあげるから直接『そんな会社辞めて、NHKに転職しましょうよ』と伝えてもらえる?」と不満たらたら。続いてはコンピューター企業・B社へ行った男性の母。
中川淳一郎(なかがわ・じゅんいちろう):1973年生まれ。ネットニュース編集者、ライター。一橋大学卒業後、大手広告会社に入社。企業のPR業務などに携わり2001年に退社。その後は多くのニュースサイトにネットニュース編集者として関わり、2020年8月をもってセミリタイア。著書に『ウェブはバカと暇人のもの』(光文社新書)、『縁の切り方』(小学館新書)など。最新刊は『炎上するバカさせるバカ 負のネット言論史』(小学館新書)。
#23 2022/01/05 息子が勉強しない
親を見て子どもは育つ… お手本となれる姿で過ごしていますか?
ゲームをしても大丈夫!? ルールを決めることのほうが重要
Happy New Year to you all. I found an interesting article early in the New Year. It is said to be the advice of Mr. Kazu Racer, a highly educated and erudite TV personality, to his son who does not study. For me, it seems like a very natural opinion, but I guess it's an eternal issue that has been around for a long time. This is from Yahoo News.
It is very difficult to motivate a child who does not study or does not like to study. It takes a lot of energy to pay attention to them, and it also causes a lot of stress. On his YouTube channel, the comedian Kazu Razor talked about the problems that mothers face when their children don't study.
What is Kazrazer's answer to "My son won't study"?
In November, Kazrazer of the comedy duo Maple Chogokin updated his YouTube channel, "Kazrazer's 50 Point School. He gave some advice to a mother who was worried that her son, who was attending an advanced school, was not studying.
She says that her son wanted to go to a preparatory school, took the entrance exam and was accepted, but after entering the school, he stopped studying. He has lost motivation and has stopped going to school. She said that her son is neither being bullied nor does he not understand his studies at all. He says that he is not being bullied nor does he not understand his studies at all, but when he pays attention, it makes him angry and he doesn't know what to do.
When Kazu Razor asked him for advice, he said, "He's probably not keeping up with his studies. He replied that he was not really good at studying and that he was not able to keep up with the class.
Kazu Razor advised, "You should follow up on that. It's good to let them understand that it's okay to have differences," he said, talking about how to interact with children.
Children grow up by watching their parents... Are you living up to your role model?
Kazu Razor also responded to the worries of "My father is a terrible gamer" and "My children play games all the time and don't study. He had some harsh words to say to the distressed mothers about how to get their children to pay attention to their studies.
Kazulaser said, "Fathers feel that it's okay if their children fail. He also pointed out the root of the problem: "(Fathers) feel that they don't have to study, so they can play games in front of their children.
There is no solution to this problem at present," said Kazu Razor. He said that there is no more attractive way to study than playing games or watching YouTube, and that it is difficult to get children to pay attention to their studies in this environment. He went on to give advice from his own perspective, "On the contrary, how about creating an environment where they can make a living as gamers?
It's okay to play games! It's more important to set rules.
Hiroyuki is currently gaining popularity on TV and YouTube, and has over a million channel subscribers. In the past, he also introduced on his YouTube channel how to deal with children who don't study.
Hiroyuki suggests that parents should find reasons for their children to want to study. In the case of children who play video games all the time, she said that it is not that playing video games is bad, but that it is important to set rules on how many hours a day they should study.
Hiroyuki says that it doesn't matter how many hours you play games as long as you meet the quota. As long as they can concentrate on their studies during the set time, they will be able to continue studying without stress.
When a child does not want to study, it is important not to blame them but to try to understand them first. It is good to think from the child's point of view and respond in a way that suits the child.
Text by Satoko Makino
Reference: Kazrazer's 50 Point School "Which should I prioritize, the dreams of my loved ones or my own dreams? (Kazrazer's comment back)".
#22 2021/12/07 日本沈没
Sinking of Japan
This is a TV program that I always watch every week, even more than the morning drama. The novel was published when I was a student and became a huge bestseller, but at that time it was already made into a movie, and I read the original story and watched the movie with great fear. Since then, it seems to have been made into a real image several times, but with the development of computer graphics, the images have become more realistic, and even though it is a virtual reality image, it still terrifies us. The film has already reached its climax, and the final episode will be shown next week on December 12. It occurred to me that this could lead to a second Israeli-Arab problem all over the world where Japanese people have emigrated, but I guess the program won't go that far.
When it was made into a movie, Mr. Tetsuro Tanba played the role of the prime minister, and he tried to use the Self-Defense Forces as a means of transportation to save the Japanese people, but when he realized that he could not save the entire nation, the prime minister spat out, "What is the Self-Defense Forces for?
I don't think this program is a completely imaginary and ridiculous story. It asks us, the viewers, what we should do and what we can do in the ultimate situation of the "sinking of Japan. I have heard that the life span of a planet is 15 billion years. I've heard that the life span of a planet is 15 billion years, and that the earth has been around for 5 billion years, so this kind of situation may become a problem in 10 billion years. ...
#21 2021/11/28 オミクロン株コロナ新ウイルス
(追伸)やっぱりCome come Everybodyが面白く気になります。すごい速い展開でつらい事ばかり主人公には降り注ぎます。でも良い人が居るから少しは救われる気持ちになりますが、やはり朝からこんなストーリーのドラマはきついです。12月できっと母親から主人公が子どもに替わるだろけれど、もっとできれば明るいお話を期待する半面、やはりつらい日々で苦しむのかな・・・と想像もします。
Omicron New coronavirus
It seems that another nasty new corona strain has appeared. I can't help but wonder if these viruses are conscious or not. When the previous one fails, they mutate and become stronger. Originally, living organisms have survived by changing their shape according to their environment, so even though they are viruses, they will probably try to protect themselves and their offspring by the same behavior.
Humanity's activities, such as the economy, may be insignificant compared to the activities of nature, but viruses keep mutating to survive, and I wonder if they know that if humanity dies out, they are also destined to die out. It is the same with cancer cells. They appear in the human body and in order to survive, they try to spread throughout the body of the individual, but when the individual is eventually defeated, they disappear as well.
I am not sure if we can consider coronaviruses and cancer cells in the same realm, but they are definitely enemies of humanity. I'm worried that we might face another medical crunch like we did in the 5th wave, but it's okay because we humans can make efforts to avoid making the same mistake again!
(P.S.) I'm still interested in Come Come Everybody. It's a very fast-paced story and a lot of hard things happen to the main character. I'm sure the mother will be replaced by a child in December, and I'm hoping for a more cheerful story, but at the same time, I'm imagining that she'll still suffer from the painful days.
#20 2021/11/10 カムカム エブリバディ
「笑って笑って 愛しい人 不穏な未来に手を叩いて・・・」
Come come everybody
This is the name of the morning TV drama series that has just started in November.
The main character, who learns English through radio English conversation broadcasts, and I were exactly the same. The 6:30 a.m. start of the program was my alarm timer. With my sleepy eyes, I listened to Basic English, Continuing Basic English, and Radio English Conversation, and by the time the programs were over, it was time to get up. When I decided to study English, I bought cassette tape materials, but in the end I couldn't continue, so I decided to continue listening to this radio course without buying instruction books. I think that was a good thing. I could not understand much English when it was spoken normally, but I could understand it when it was spoken slowly. I was unknowingly learning in the same way that a child learns by listening to his parents. At the time, I was working as a salesman in a car, so I listened to the re-run afternoon programs as I drove. I also listened to the re-run programs at night when I was late for a long trip, and as expected, after the third time, the English I was hearing came to me in sentences.
I don't want to go on and on about this, because it might be taken as an advertisement for my English learning classes, but I am certain that language should be learned by ear. I'm sure this drama will help you understand that. I also think that there will be an English boom in our country, and I think the theme song is the best in recent morning dramas. The theme song starts off calmly and gradually builds up, and the last part is very memorable. The song is one that I want to add to my karaoke repertoire.
This song was played at the end of the drama in today's broadcast, and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
"Smile, smile, my lover, clap your hands at the unsettled future..."
#19 2021/10/22 音楽を発展させる人物
I have always thought Kyohei Sorida, who won the second prize at the Chopin Competition, was a good performer when I heard him on TV programs.
He was also giving a pay-per-view online concert to support promising young musicians, but all I could hear was the sound of the piano he was accompanying, and I thought, "If you're going to be on stage, cut your hair! But I was surprised to learn that it was all calculated.
In addition, I saw a TV interview in which he said that he had to build up his physical strength in his hands and body so that the sound would not travel to the back of the audience during the long performance in the Chopin Competition Hall. I was again surprised by his gymnastic behavior.
When I was studying music as a hobby, it was said that pianists do not cook, wash clothes, or do anything else for music, and never carry anything heavy, and anything that could damage their fingers or hands was absolutely taboo, but none of that mattered to Mr. Tanda.
He plans to study conducting in the future, and I'm sure he will become a master conductor like Ashkenazy, who also won a prize at the Chopin Competition and later became a conductor, conducting some of the world's most famous orchestras. I am strongly convinced that it is people like him who will change and develop music and art in the world.
This blog was published in the reader's section of the morning edition of the Kochi Shimbun on 2021/11/03
#18 2021/10/19 最近の面白いテレビドラマ
Recent Interesting TV Dramas
On Saturday, October 16, I watched "February Winner," which is set in a junior high school entrance exam cram school, and "Sinking of Japan," which started airing on Sunday night, October 10. How do you spend your days off? I try to use a completely different part of my brain cells by thinking about completely different things on Sundays. I also ride a motorcycle as a hobby, and this is a good time of year for a change of pace.
It's a good time of the year to take a slow ride through the countryside. As I ride, I think about the school, and sometimes I get good ideas. Hobbies are necessary, aren't they?
The manga adaptation of "February's Winner" is set in an urban cram school for junior high school entrance exams, and was very interesting. I'm an outsider to junior high school entrance exams, so I'm just going to continue to manage my own business as best I can.
I read the best-selling novel "The Sinking of Japan" when I was in college (more than 45 years ago). Since then, it has been made into a movie several times.
This drama is set in the near future, but it is quite interesting.
I'm sure it will be effective in relieving stress.
However, I remember the original story was very scary.
#17 2021/10/13 有名な家庭教師業者が買収されます
これでは塾はいかん! 「AI亡国論」まで私は考えてしまいました。
Nippon News Network(NNN)
「家庭教師のトライ」を展開するトライグループを、イギリス系の投資ファンドCVCキャピタル・パートナーズが1100億円程度で買収する見通しです。 家庭教師や個別指導教室を展開するトライグループは、AIを得意とする企業と提携を重ね、AI技術を駆使したプログラムなどを売りに生徒数を増やして来ました。 こうした中、関係者によりますとトライグループは、イギリス系の投資ファンドCVCキャピタル・パートナーズに1100億円程度で株式を売却する方向で調整しています。 資金をもとにAI技術の活用を拡大し、激化する教育産業で競争力を高める狙いです。 トライグループはテレビCMなどで認知度を上げていますが、現在非上場で、数年後の株式市場への上場を目指します。
#17 2021/10/13 Well-known tutoring firm gets bought out
I heard about it on the news the day before yesterday, and when I checked yesterday, I found the following information.
I guess they're trying to improve their image.
It seems that they are going to focus on the AI business from now on.
However, their annual sales are now 50 billion, and their share of the tutoring market is 10%.
I think the fund will buy the company, but let Tri take a certain number of shares to develop the AI business.
I think the fund is planning to acquire the company, but also let Try hold a certain number of shares to develop the AI business,
and then list the company on a stock exchange to raise the stock price and sell it again to make a profit.
The fund is not thinking about education at all.
The president of this company is Yurie Futani.
She used to be Hiromi Go's wife.
She has two children, but the founder of TRI married her and became the current president.
The founder of TRY married her and became the current president.
Rather than teaching, TRY makes the students do the test prediction questions made by AI.
Also rather than teaching, it seems that Try is going to make students do the test prediction questions made by AI and make them pass the test by raising their grades anyway.
Even if they pass and go to a higher school without any skills, they will have to take the exam again.
If they pass and go to a higher school, they will be unable to study for the exam without AI materials.
It's not so easy to cross the world with AI alone.
No more cram schools! "I even thought of the AI exile theory."
Nippon News Network(NNN)